Stéphanie Bérard

Stéphanie BÉRARD, PhD (US/France) is a specialist of Francophone literature, culture, and performing arts. Her research is situated at the crossroads of Postcolonial and Theater Studies, exploring the history of Caribbean drama (Martinique, Guadeloupe and Haiti), linguistics (Creole and French), oral tradition, drum music and dance (gwoka), and the integration of rituals on stage (carnival, voodoo).

She is the author of Théâtres des Antilles: traditions et scènes contemporaines (Paris: L’Harmattan, 2009), Le Théâtre-Monde de José Pliya (Paris: Editions Champion, 2015) and has co-edited Émergences Caraïbes: une création théâtrale archipélique (Paris: L’Harmattan, 2010). She curated the theater festival ACT (Actions Caribéennes Théâtrales) in New York, and co-edited New Plays from the Caribbean (Martin E. Segal Theater Center Publications, New York, 2023). She worked in the US, Canada and the Caribbean and now teaches Francophone literature and culture in American programs in Paris (Columbia University, Hamilton in France, AUP).